What is Battle of The Books?
The statewide Battle Of The Books program is designed to promote a love of reading among our students. It encourages students to read a variety of books and remember information about the plots, characters, and settings of the books. Every question asked in a battle is answered by the title and author of the book and takes the form of: Name the book in which a horse and a boy are stranded on an island. It is a fun, academic-based competition that has been very successful in school districts throughout the state in encouraging students to read.
Who can participate?
Everyone! Starting in the Fall, students will create teams of 3-4 students. Over the next few months, students will divide and conquer by reading all the books on their assigned reading list. Teams will eventually meet weekly and practice answering book trivia questions to prepare for the ultimate book battle. BOTB participants will meet on Fridays during their lunch and recess period to participate in practice battles with their teammates. We will hold a mock battle at the beginning of February to determine our school finalists. Highest scoring teams in both the 5/6 and 7/8 devisions will go on to represent our school in the State Battle at the end of February.
What should I do to prepare?
Read! Click on the booklist that matches your grade level to get a head start on your reading. You will also want to memorize book titles and author names. Click on the Quizlet link for extra practice! Don't have a team but want to participate? That's okay! Join our Friday practice sessions anyway. Everyone is welcome =)
Where do I find BOTB books to read?
There is a BOTB display in the library. Stop by and check out your battle books!
Have more questions?
Come see Mr. Floerke in the library =)